
Adobe fresco and photoshop
Adobe fresco and photoshop

adobe fresco and photoshop

I had the pleasure of taking Lisk Feng’s Learning to Use Adobe Fresco class. Learn how to use Fres­co’s tools in unex­pect­ed ways and how to com­bine fea­tures to cre­ate your own abstract art. Play­ful, Abstract Art - Design­er Rich Arm­strong encour­ages play in his class.She’ll show how to use Fres­co’s brush­es in every phase, from ideat­ing to sketch­ing to refinements. Let­ter­ing with Botan­i­cals - Let illus­tra­tor Dylan Mierzwin­s­ki take you through a sim­ple yet stun­ning flo­ral piece using Fres­co.Fan­ta­sy Illus­tra­tion - Here, illus­tra­tor Ira Mar­cks invites you into the world of imag­i­na­tive illus­tra­tion by shar­ing her sto­ry­telling essen­tials and show­ing how to sketch, ink, and cre­ate with the brush­es in Fresco.Illus­tra­tive Typog­ra­phy - Design­er Jen­net Liaw shares her cre­ative process from con­cept to sketch to final-all in Fresco.Learn­ing to Use Adobe Fres­co - In this class, illus­tra­tor Lisk Feng demon­strates the essen­tials of Fres­co while shar­ing her approach to creativity.The Adobe Fres­co class­es on Skill­share are: You can try them now with 2 free months of Skill­share! The online learn­ing com­mu­ni­ty has part­nered with Adobe and launched sev­er­al class­es, taught by pro­fes­sion­al artists and illus­tra­tors, to help you get the most of this next-gen­er­a­tion app. If you know Pho­to­shop, you’ll quick­ly get the hang of Fres­co, but if you’re like me, you might feel over­whelmed with where to start. It’s incred­i­ble Fres­co has the func­tion­al­i­ty of Pho­to­shop but in a mobile app.

adobe fresco and photoshop

Adobe Fres­co is the lat­est app to be released in the realm of high-end draw­ing and paint­ing apps. I love mak­ing stuff by hand! But with the advent of tech­nolo­gies like the iPad and Apple Pen­cil, it’s now eas­i­er than ever for me to pro­duce illus­tra­tions that feel like ana­log draw­ings, but they have the ease of dig­i­tal. When I was in col­lege, cre­at­ing dig­i­tal art­work just was­n’t my thing.

Adobe fresco and photoshop